Referring Doctors
Our collaboration with referring physicians allows us to deliver the best possible care for the patients in our community. We dedicate ourselves to providing assistance and guidance to our colleagues for all urologic issues.
In general, please have your patient bring any imaging studies (on CD or hard films) with them to their appointment. This is especially important for patients with kidney or bladder stones and cysts or tumors of the kidneys or other GU organs.
Hematuria (Microscopic/Gross)
If not contraindicated, please arrange for a CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis with and without contrast. If possible, order the study with delayed images in order to visualize the renal pelvis and ureters to identify any filling defects as the contrast drains down in to the bladder. This is sometimes referred to as a "triple phase CT".
Elevated PSA
If the patient has a history of PSA's drawn in the past, please fax or have the patient bring as many results as possible. Often the "PSA velocity" or rise in PSA over time is very important information. An isolated PSA elevation often can be rechecked to confirm a true elevation.
Recurrent UTI's:
Often these patients have a series of urine analyses and cultures performed before arriving to see us in our office. If possible, please send all urine studies and cultures in order for us to see how often infections are confirmed, and which bacterial organisms are isolated each time.
Please feel free to contact us at any time in our offices for questions. There should always be a urologist available to answer questions.